So you should have smooth sailing after this. As a practiocal matter this seems to last forever. But you will be given provisional authorisation. it will try to contact MMJ and fail of course. go to help and find the entry for liscense key entry and click on it. also decline auto registration if it should come up. give it a couple of minutes if it does not run properly close it and try again and it should run. It may hang for a bit and usually does the first time around. Right click on the icon and run as admin. When your machine restarts go to start programs and find MMJ. Now go to your control panel and turn back on UAC. close the window and reboot your machine. dont do this for the e-registration program. Go to The X86 programs folder and give admin privileges to all the exec programs with the MMJ icon and put in compatibility mode Xp service pack 2. Uncheck run MMJ and read importent notes. Make sure to install as standard not the full version. Put your birthday down as under 13 and turn off any personalisation settings and cacheing. ignore any compatibility warnings you get and continue on. close the properties and double click on the installer. Go to The properties on the MMJ installer and set compatibility mode for XP service pack2. You will have to restart your machine again. Now go to your control panel and turn off UAC. Roll your system foward if possible to where it should be. The program has an interface that can be customized by means of skins, as well as a function that allows us to minimize the player's size so that it is accessible, without being annoying, while we perform other tasks.OK I cant promise this will work but it should.

The application not only allows us to listen to and order music, but it will also allow us to rip audio CDs to WAV or MP3 or burn compilations on a CD with our favorite songs from the program's window.

Now we can enjoy something very similar on our computer, especially if we have an application like MusicMatch Jukebox, that can play almost any current digital audio file format, selecting the tracks from its library, allowing us to maintain our record collection in order. One of the most practical applications to manage and play your music In some countries, these machines are still popular in pubs and bars, but the classic vinyl has been changed for MP3 files. The Jukebox was one of the most popular machines of the '50s and '60s because it allowed clients of many cafeterias, snack bars and pubs to play songs from a selection of vinyl singles, that were usually ordered by genre.