🔹 Reduced elevation distance volume reduction from -5db to -3db at the max attenuation 🔹 Increased Diablo SSG shot sounds by +2db (all shotguns will need another pass later) 🙂 From third person this feels a little better because it feels like a last moment effort, but from first person sounds are muffled and it’s obvious that it’s playing after your death. You would never hear yourself say something while you’re dead. 🔹 Removed first person death VO sound events, because they play after you die, which is odd from the first-person view. 🔹 Prevent change weapon sound events from playing for dead players (Will need to fix this with an updated detections list prior to release.) 🔹 Allow unidentified hardware detections to be set to ultra/high instead of med/low, because we just have too many new GPUs and CPUs that are failing to provide decent auto-detect settings.

🔹 Added four new Strogg VO lines (1 frag, 1 assist, 1 respawn, 1 low health) 🔹 Added Premium Shader support for Champions, so that like weapons they can have unique texture sets. 🔹 New Audio Hit Beep Options: ( OFF | SINGLE | ADDITIVE | DAMAGE DEALT ) 🔹 Authorization Service Updates (PTS Fix for autologin) 🔹 (PTS Chg) Restored 1st person death sound events 🔹 (PTS Chg) Improved Q2 MG sound, made it crispy, removed some mechanical noise. 🔹 (PTS Chg) Added a slight gradient phase to the Q2 Shotgun emissive. 🔹 Athena Ability VO – Reduced the chance of the “Woohoo” VO from 10% to 5%. 🔹 Athena Ability VO – Reduced the volume by -2db. 🔹 Athena Ability VO – Reduced the first-person VO occurrence from 90% of the time to only 50% of the time. 🔹 (PTS FIX) Fixed Nailgun splash knockback